§ 16b AufenthG ("student residence permit")

You are here: Life in Tübingen Paperwork Residence permit § 16b AufenthG ("student residence permit")

Are you a PhD student without a work contract? Then the § 16b AufenthG ("student") residence permit might be the right choice for you. This residence permit is valid for doctoral studies at a German university.


In order to obtain a § 16b AufenthG ("student") residence permit you must prove:

  • Your admission or enrollment to a state-recognised higher education institution such as the University of Tübingen. 
  • You are able to cover the costs of living in Tübingen for the duration of your doctoral studies. This must be done through either: 
    •  a blocked bank account with a minimum of €11.208 (as of 2024)
    • a scholarship
    • a declaration of commitment ("förmliche Verpflichtungserklärung")
  • Your language skills (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 
What opportunities does the § 16b AufenthG ("student") residence permit offer?

The § 16b AufenthG ("student") residence permit offers many advantages. While having lower financial requirements, this type of residence permit also does not tie your employment to the University of Tübingen. Instead, you can work up to

  • 140 full days per year or
  • 280 half days per year or
  • 20 hours per week

at an employer of your choosing. You can also take up part-time student jobs for an unlimited period. 

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