Resources for Researchers

At a glance

Information on the German research system and funding organisations.

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If you are interested in coming to Tübingen, you may be wondering how the German research system works or how to fund your stay. The following resources should get you started.

Research in Germany

This initiative by the German Federal Government provides information for international researchers on various topics of particular interest, from the structure of the research system to planning your stay.

Additionally, they provide specific information for:

Research funding

If you're planning to apply for a grant to come to Tübingen, please contact the TRC partner institution you're interested in. They will be able to provide institution-specific advice.

General funding databases that include calls and grants options include:


Programs for Researchers

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from Germany and from abroad. It provides grants and awards to outstanding scientists who have found a German host institution.


Funding Programs

The DFG is Germany's main research funding organization. It is possible to apply for most grants in English.


Funding Database for Incoming Scholars

Euraxess combines several databases and is targeted mainly at scientists and scholars at more advanced stages of their careers.


Scholarship Database

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and researchers. It provides funding both for German researchers looking to go abroad and international researchers looking to come to Germany.


Scholarship Database

Scholarships for (doctoral) studies at German institutions

Pages of Interest

Neurology imaging 1000x365

Research in Tübingen

Tübingen is a special place for research. Very few locations offer such a wide range of research areas in such close proximity - both physically and figuratively. Not only are all of Tübingen's research institutions just a stone's throw away from each other, they also collaborate closely within the Tübingen Research Campus.

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Hohentuebingen Castle

Life in Tübingen

Life in Tübingen is life in the heart of Europe and in one of Germany's most scenic and economically competitive regions. It's a bustling mediaeval town with a young, international, and vibrant population and a rich cultural and artistic scene. Lectures, concerts, film festivals, and more: life in Tübingen never gets boring.

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TNC Network v2

Tübingen Neuro Campus

The Neurosciences in Tübingen with more than 100 active research groups have the potential to rank among the most successful neuroscientific sites in Europe.

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