
At a glance

Everything you need for daily life plus many larger items can be purchased in Tübingen. Read here about shopping locations, opening hours and how to find the right shop for your purchases.

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The old town center of Tübingen offers a diverse mix of shops, from basics such as banks, supermarkets and postal services through to family-run specialty stores, quirky boutiques and antique shops. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning (7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), the market square (Marktplatz) in front of the town hall becomes a bustling market offering fresh regional produce. You can find many of the same stalls clustered around the Jakobus Church (Jakobuskirche) on Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Shops serving basic needs are also found within the residential neighborhoods. These may include a supermarket, bakery (Bäckerei), butcher (Metzger), pharmacist (Apotheke), stationery shop/newsagent (Schreibwarenladen) and bank sub-branch. The infrastructure information at Neighborhoods and Outskirts gives specific local detail.

Hypermarkets offering household items, electrical goods and clothing alongside the regular groceries can be found in and around Reutlinger Str. on the south side of town, as well as in the nearby town of Kirchentellinsfurt. Supermarkets and hypermarkets often encompass a bakery and/or other small shops.

Opening hours

During the week, including Saturdays, you can expect supermarkets to open by 8:00 a.m. and close between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. In Tübingen there is one large supermarket (at Schleifmühlenweg 36) that opens until midnight. You can normally find the opening hours of your local supermarket online by just searching "Supermarkt Tübingen".

Large shops such as clothing chains and department stores generally open at 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. and often remain open until 8:00 p.m.

For small shops, hours vary greatly. Food suppliers such as bakeries and butchers often open before 8:00 a.m. but other small shops typically open later, usually around 10:00 a.m. Small shops may close over lunchtime, usually 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. and typically close for the day between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. Do note: some shops shut at midday on Saturdays, and it’s not unusual for family-run shops to shut for a full or half-day during Monday-Friday. Check before you make a special journey.

Shops in Germany are generally closed on Sundays and public holidays, even supermarkets, so do shop ahead! Exceptions regarding Sunday opening are bakers and florists, which often open on Sunday mornings, and souvenir shops. Gas stations often have a convenience store and tend to be open late as well as on Sundays. In Tübingen, there are 24-hour gas stations at Bebenhäuser Str. 8 and at Reutlinger Str. 72.

Three to four times a year, Tübingen offers special Sunday shopping days (Verkaufsoffene Sonntage), when local shops can open on Sunday between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. For dates visit the page Einkaufstipps from the town council (German only).

Finding the right shop

An online search, for example at, the Yellow Pages (both websites in German only) or simply via your search engine should help you locate a given type of shop. Some useful shopping-related terms:

  • Apotheke: pharmacist, specializing in over the counter and prescribed medicines.

  • Asialaden: specialist for Asian food supplies

  • Babyladen: sells clothing and equipment for babies and small children

  • Baumarkt: hardware and home improvement/DIY store with household items like light fittings and picture frames as well as tools, nuts and bolts, etc.

  • Bettwäsche: bedding, bedclothes

  • Bio: label on food produced organically

  • Drogerie: drugstore, selling cosmetics and toiletries.

  • Elektrogeräte: electrical/electronic items and parts

  • Feinkostladen: specialist delicatessen

  • Getränkemarkt: store selling bottled drinks, often found within a supermarket; return empty, recyclable bottles here

  • Mode: fashion/clothing

  • Möbel: furniture

  • Naturkostladen: organic food store

  • Reformhaus: health food store

  • Sanitätshaus: medical supply store (e.g. for orthopedic products, mobility aids and maternity supplies)

  • Umstandsmode: maternity wear

To locate your nearest post office visit the Deutsche Post website. For other providers of mail and parcel services, type the term "Paketdienst" in your search engine.

Finally, Tübingen has several shops offering second hand items, including clothing and furniture. Simply search for "Tübingen Secondhand".

Special events

The Tübingen year is punctuated by special events like the Umbrian-Provencal Market in fall, ChocolART International Chocolate Festival and the traditional Christmas Market in winter, and the "Market of Opportunities" selling craft products in spring.

For more details and dates visit the webpage of the tourist information.

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